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Webseite des Leibniz-Instituts für Astrophysik Potsdam, Forschung von der Untersuchung unserer Sonne bis zur Entwicklung des Kosmos mit Schwerpunkten in der Erforschung kosmischer Magnetfelder, in der extragalaktischen Astrophysik sowie der Entwicklung von Forschungstechnologien in den Bereichen Spektroskopie, robotische Teleskope und E-Science.
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h3 New map of the universe shows mega structures
h3 Virtual lecture: Babelsberg Starry Night on 19 September 2024
h3 Research Area II: Extragalactic Astrophysics
h3 Research Area I: Cosmic Magnetic Fields
h3 Discovery of ancient stars on the stellar thin disk of the Milky Way
h2 Latest News
h3 New map of the universe shows mega structures
h3 Book a Scientist
h3 Virtual lecture: Babelsberg Starry Night on 19 September 2024
h2 Have you heard?
h2 Latest Publications
h3 High-resolution spectroscopy of the variable hot post-AGB star LS 4331 (IRAS 17381‑1616)
h3 High-resolution observations of two pores with the integral field unit (IFU) of the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS)
h3 Why does the Milky Way have a bar?
h3 Deep learning the intergalactic medium using lyman-alpha forest at 4 ≤ z ≤ 5
h3 Retrieving Young Cloudy L Dwarfs: A Nearby Planetary-mass Companion BD+60 1417B and its Isolated Red Twin W0047
h3 Elemental Abundances in And XIX from Coadded Spectra
h3 High-Resolution Sun-as-a-Star Spectroscopy of the Partial Solar Eclipse of 2017 August 21
h3 The SRG/eROSITA all-sky survey: Cosmology constraints from cluster abundances in the western Galactic hemisphere
h3 Projection factor and radii of Type II Cepheids: BL Her stars
h3 Hubble Space Telescope proper motions of Large Magellanic Cloud star clusters: I. Catalogues and results for NGC 1850
h3 The high-energy environment of the heavy sub-Earth GJ 367 b indicates likely complete evaporation of its atmosphere
h3 Exploring the stellar rotation of early-type stars in the LAMOST medium-resolution survey: III. Evolution
h3 Unveiling the nature of two dwarf novae: CRTS J080846.2+313106 and V416 Dra
h3 From gas to stars: MUSEings on the internal evolution of IC 1613
h3 Can the splashback radius be an observable boundary of galaxy clusters?
h3 Detecting galaxy groups populating the local Universe in the eROSITA era
h3 Revealing the chemical structure of the Magellanic Clouds with APOGEE. I. Calculating individual stellar ages of RGB stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud
h3 Ram-pressure stripped radio tails detected in the dynamically active environment of the Shapley Supercluster
h3 Growth of high-redshift supermassive black holes from heavy seeds in the BRAHMA cosmological simulations: implications of overmassive black holes
h3 Chandra Survey in the AKARI deep field at the North Ecliptic Pole: Optical and near-infrared identifications of X-ray sources
h3 Damping wing-like features in the stacked Ly α forest: Potential neutral hydrogen islands at z < 6
h3 Fine structures of a solar type III radio bursts observed with LOFAR
h3 Simulated Coronal Mass Ejections on a Young Solar-type Star and the Associated Instantaneous Angular Momentum Loss
h3 Denser Environments Cultivate Larger Galaxies: A Comprehensive Study beyond the Local Universe with 3 Million Hyper Suprime-Cam Galaxies
h3 Proper Motions and Orbits of Distant Local Group Dwarf Galaxies from a Combination of Gaia and Hubble Data
h3 Coronal Models and Detection of the Open Magnetic Field
h3 The SRG/eROSITA All-Sky Survey. Optical identification and properties of galaxy clusters and groups in the western galactic hemisphere
h3 Understanding the star formation efficiency in dense gas: Initial results from the CAFFEINE survey with ArTéMiS
h3 Discovery of the local counterpart of disc galaxies at z > 4: The oldest thin disc of the Milky Way using Gaia-RVS
h3 SDSS1335+0728: The awakening of a ∼106 M⊙ black hole
h2 Events and dates at AIP
h3 External Colloquium | Margot Leemker (U. of Milan)
h3 Book a Scientist
h3 External Colloquium | Cecilia Garraffo (Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & Smithsonian)
h3 Virtual Babelsberg Starry Night
h3 Long Night of Astronomy 2024
h3 Hauskolloquium - Meredith Powell
h3 Gaia Coordination Unit 3 Conference
h3 Observation evening at the Great Refractor
h3 tba.

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