Is down or not working?

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Current status: No failures

At the moment, according to our data, is working fine, but single failures are possible. If does not work for you, then report your problem and write a comment.

What to do if the site is not available? Try our guide. outage reports in the last 24 hours - error and failure reports, troubleshooting methods

Leave your comment describing the failure and share with other users how to solve the problem.
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  • Messages with obscene language and insults, as well as breaking the law, are not allowed to be published.
  • Active links in the text of the message are not published, but displayed in plain text.
  • It is forbidden to post your own and other people's personal data: addresses, phone numbers, emails, accounts in instant messengers, etc.

Technical information

Main page title:
LOROS Hospice: Free care and support for terminally ill patients
Main page description:
We provide free, high-quality, compassionate care and support to terminally ill adult patients, their family and carers across Leicestershire & Rutland.
Status code:
Page size:
171.7 KB
Response time:
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SEO headers

h3 Run Leicester for LOROS!
h3 This iconic, high-energy event is taking place on Sunday 13th October 2024 and we’d love you to consider running on behalf of LOROS Hospice.
h3 Ian Mattioli launches LOROS Tree of Life
h3 CEO of wealth management firm Mattioli Woods, Ian Mattioli MBE, is supporting a beautiful new sculpture, the LOROS Tree of Life.
h3 Leicester Racecourse Fireworks Festival
h3 Leicester Racecourse's Fireworks Festival is back, supporting LOROS, on Saturday 2nd November.
h3 Have you herd?
h3 Something mammoth is coming to Leicester next year to celebrate LOROS Hospice’s 40th anniversary
h1 Being there for you and your family
h3 Quick Links
h2 How can we help you today?
h3 Care Services
h3 Have you been referred?Find out more about our care
h3 volunteering
h3 Are you looking to volunteer at LOROS?
h3 Referrals & Clinical Guidelines
h3 Information for healthcare professionals
h3 Our services
h2 Explore our wide range of Specialist Care Services
h3 Inpatient ward
h3 Enablement team
h3 Social work team
h3 Counselling, bereavement and psychological support
h3 Spiritual and Cultural Support
h3 Volunteer Home Visiting Service
h3 Day Therapy
h3 Wellbeing Hub
h3 The LOROS Clinical Nurse Specialists
h3 Lymphoedema Service
h3 Complementary therapy
h3 Outpatients
h3 Young Person and Transition service
h3 Telephone Befriending
h3 Did you know we need to raise over £8 million every year?
h3 318
h4 Employees
h3 1,300
h4 Volunteers
h3 2,500+
h4 Cared for each year
h3 Donate online now!
h3 £10
h3 £25
h3 £50
h3 £100
h3 NEWS & Events
h2 Keep up to date with all the latest news and events
h3 News
h3 4th September
h3 LOROS Hospice invites local artists to bring the paint to Stomp Round Leicester
h3 Upcoming events
h3 1st January - 31st December 2024
h3 Ultra Challenge Series
h3 7th June - 31st December 2024
h3 The LOROS Tree of Life
h3 1st August - 23rd January 2025
h3 The LOROS Directions Winter Quiz
h3 We really value your support and want to keep in touch about the difference it’s making
h4 Follow us: @LOROSHospice

How to solve problems with

Errors on the website can be either on the server side or on your side (client side). If there is practically nothing to be done about errors on the server side (it remains only to wait for the site to work again), then with errors on the client side it is possible to solve the problem with the availability of on your own.