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Technical information

Main page title:
Home | Securities & Futures Commission of Hong Kong
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SEO headers

h3 About the SFC
h4 Our role
h5 Regulatory objectives
h5 Who we regulate
h5 How we function
h6 Regulatory approach
h6 Regulatory tools
h6 Public consultation
h4 Our Structure
h4 Corporate governance
h5 Governance structure
h6 Chairman's role and responsibilities
h6 CEO's role and responsibilities
h5 Principles
h5 Independent panels and tribunals
h5 Performance pledges
h5 Statement on responsible ownership
h4 Corporate social responsibility
h5 CSR Committee
h5 People and the community
h5 Environmental protection
h5 Activities
h5 Women's network
h4 Regulatory collaboration
h5 Mainland China
h6 Mainland-Hong Kong Stock Connect
h6 Mainland-Hong Kong Mutual Recognition of Funds
h6 Cooperative arrangements with the CSRC and Mainland exchanges
h6 Cooperative arrangements with other Mainland regulators
h6 Wealth Management Connect
h5 Local
h5 International
h6 Investigatory assistance and exchange of information
h6 Exchange of information
h6 Market or product-related arrangements
h6 Fintech cooperation agreements
h4 Contact us
h5 Public enquiries: Further guidance and sources of information
h3 Regulatory functions
h4 Corporates
h5 Dual filing
h6 Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance exemptions
h5 Corporate disclosure
h6 Guidelines on Disclosure of Inside Information
h6 Consultation service
h6 Waiver
h5 Takeovers and mergers
h6 Dealing disclosures
h6 Decisions and statements
h6 Disciplinary proceedings
h6 Documents on display
h6 Exempt status
h6 Offer periods
h6 Practice notes
h6 Performance Pledges
h6 Post-vet list
h6 Secondary listed companies
h6 Takeovers Panel and related committees
h6 Transaction announcements and documents
h6 Takeovers Bulletin
h6 Forms
h6 Consultations and Conclusions
h5 Unlisted shares, debentures
h5 Circulars
h5 Consultations and conclusions
h5 FAQs
h4 Intermediaries
h5 Licensing
h6 Do you need a licence or registration?
h6 Types of intermediary and licensed individual
h6 Application procedures
h6 Ongoing obligations
h6 Quick reference guides to licensing requirements
h6 Register of licensees & registered institutions
h6 List of modifications or waivers of licensing requirements
h6 Circulars
h6 Consultations and conclusions
h6 Forms
h6 FAQs
h5 Supervision
h6 Supervisory approach
h6 Supervisory actions
h6 Modifications or waivers
h6 List of comparable OTCD jurisdictions
h6 List of jurisdictions with comparable OTCD margin requirements
h6 FAQs
h6 Circulars
h6 Consultations and conclusions
h6 Forms
h6 Publications and statistics
h6 Search regulations by topic
h4 Products
h5 List of publicly offered investment products
h6 Specific information about unlisted structured investment products
h6 Mutual recognition of funds arrangements
h6 List of recognised jurisdiction schemes and inspection regimes
h6 Products Key Facts Statements (KFS)
h6 Format of Illustration Document for ILAS
h6 Information Disclosure Templates for Investment Portfolios (Pooled Retirement Funds)
h5 List of ESG funds
h5 Circulars
h5 Open-ended fund companies
h6 OFC Structure
h6 Regulatory requirements
h6 List of Registered OFCs
h6 Post-registration matters
h6 Useful materials
h5 Consultations and conclusions
h5 Real estate investment trusts
h6 Circular
h6 Consultations and conclusions
h5 FAQs
h5 Grant Scheme for Open-ended Fund Companies and Real Estate Investment Trusts
h5 Forms & checklists
h5 List of Eligible Collective Investment Schemes under the New Capital Investment Entrant Scheme (New CIES)
h4 Markets
h5 Market statistics and research
h6 Statistics
h6 Research papers
h5 Approved or authorised entities
h6 Register of Automated Trading Services Authorized Under Part III of the Securities and Futures Ordinance
h6 List of Designated Central Counterparties for the Purposes of Mandatory Clearing Under Part IIIA of the Securities and Futures Ordinance
h5 Short position reporting
h6 List of specified shares
h6 Aggregated reportable short positions of specified shares
h5 OTC derivatives regulatory regime
h5 Mainland-Hong Kong Stock Connect
h5 Consultations and conclusions
h5 FAQs
h4 Enforcement
h5 Disciplinary proceedings
h5 Secrecy provisions
h5 Enforcement actions
h6 Enforcement news
h6 Current cold shoulder orders
h6 Current disqualification orders
h6 Enforcement statistics
h5 Have you seen these people?
h6 People subject to arrest warrants
h6 Persons of interest
h5 Upcoming hearings calendar
h5 Circulars
h5 Consultations and conclusions
h3 Rules and standards
h4 Laws
h4 Codes and guidelines
h5 Codes
h5 Guidelines
h4 Circulars
h4 Account opening
h5 Regulatory requirements
h5 Acceptable account opening approaches
h5 List of eligible jurisdictions for remote onboarding of overseas individual clients
h4 OTC derivatives regulatory regime
h4 Short position reporting rules
h4 Securities and Futures Ordinance Part XV - Disclosure of Interests
h4 Suitability requirement
h5 Regulatory requirements
h5 Circulars
h5 FAQs
h5 Non-complex and complex products
h6 List of specified jurisdictions
h6 Minimum information to be provided and warning statements
h5 Other publications and information sources
h4 Anti-money laundering and counter-financing of terrorism
h5 Legal and regulatory requirements
h5 Circulars
h5 Other publications and information sources
h4 Investor Identification and OTC Securities Transactions Reporting
h4 Gazette notices
h5 Government notices
h5 Legal notices
h4 Sustainable finance
h4 Principles of responsible ownership
h4 Search regulations by topic
h4 Virtual assets
h5 Overview
h5 Virtual asset trading platform operators
h5 Other virtual asset related activities
h5 Other useful materials
h3 Published resources
h4 Corporate publications
h5 SFC's Strategic Priorities for 2024-2026
h5 Annual reports
h5 Quarterly report
h5 Corporate brochure
h5 Open-ended Fund Company: The corporate investment fund vehicle in Hong Kong
h4 Newsletters
h5 Enforcement Reporter
h5 SFC Compliance Bulletin: Intermediaries
h5 SFC Regulatory Bulletin
h5 Takeovers Bulletin
h4 Consultations
h4 Reports and surveys
h5 Other reports and surveys
h4 Research papers
h4 Statistics
h4 Speeches
h4 FAQs
h4 SFC in Action
h3 News and announcements
h4 News
h5 All news
h5 Corporate news
h5 Enforcement news
h5 Other news
h4 Policy statements and announcements
h4 High shareholding concentration announcements
h4 Decisions, statements and disclosures
h5 Current cold shoulder orders
h4 Events
h3 Career
h4 Why the SFC
h5 Join us as an experienced professional
h6 Current Openings
h5 Join us as an Executive Trainee
h5 Join us as an Intern
h6 Summer and Winter Internship Programme
h6 Sustainable Finance Internship Programme
h5 Working at the SFC
h5 Core values
h5 A socially responsible employer
h6 People and the community
h6 CSR activities
h6 Environmental protection
h6 CSR Committee
h4 What the SFC does
h5 Regulatory objectives
h5 Who we regulate
h5 How we function
h6 Regulatory philosophy
h6 Regulatory tools
h6 Public consultation
h4 Contact us
h4 FAQs
h2 Search
h3 Advanced search
h2 Journey of a market  protector and enabler Annual Report 2023-24
h2 Quarterly Report (Apr - Jun 2024)
h2 Warning: scammers impersonating SFC senior executives
h2 VATP application period has ended under transitional arrangements
h2 List of licensed virtual asset trading platforms
h2 Alert List
h2 SFC’s Strategic Priorities for 2024-2026
h2 Warning: Impersonating SFC staff
h2 Unified Exchange Compensation Fund - Final notice to claimants
h2 Quick reference guides to licensing requirements
h2 Investor Identification and OTC Securities Transactions Reporting
h2 New releases
h2 Search
h2 SFC Fintech contact point
h2 Sustainable finance
h2 Licensing
h2 Global engagement
h2 I want to
h2 Quick access
h2 Useful links

How to solve problems with

Errors on the website can be either on the server side or on your side (client side). If there is practically nothing to be done about errors on the server side (it remains only to wait for the site to work again), then with errors on the client side it is possible to solve the problem with the availability of on your own.