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Información técnica
Título de la página principal: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Alive Inside - a story of Music and Memory | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Descripción de la página principal: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
This stirring documentary follows social worker Dan Cohen as he fights against a broken healthcare system to demonstrate music’s ability to combat memory loss and return a deep sense of self to those suffering from it. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Protocolo: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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281.4 KB | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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0.185seg. | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Encabezados de SEO
h1 land
h1 land
h1 Trailer
h1 Trailer
h1 See The Film
h1 See The Film
h3 Community Screenings
h3 Film Festivals
h1 Sponsor A Screening
h1 Sponsor A Screening
h3 Want to organize a private or semi-theatrical showing of Alive Inside in your area? Click below and fill out the form!
h1 Sign Up
h1 Sign Up
h2 For exclusive Alive Inside Foundation updates, news and discounts subscribe for our newsletter today!
h1 About
h1 About
h1 About The Team
h1 About The Team
h1 Michael Rossato-Bennett
h3 Writer/Director/Producer
h2 Alexandra McDougald
h3 Producer (Distribution & Fundraising)
h2 Shachar Langlev
h3 Director of Photography
h2 Manuel Tsingaris
h3 Editor
h2 Barry Cole
h3 Music Supervisor
h2 Dan Cogan
h2 Eric J. Bertrand, Limore Shur, & Ben Spivak
h3 Executive Producers
h2 Regina K. Scully
h3 Producer, Executive Producer
h2 Mark Demolar
h2 Nan Li
h3 Asst. EDITOR
h2 Itaal Shur
h2 Geralyn Dreyfous
h2 Daniel E. Catullo III
h3 Executive Producer
h2 Dan Cohen
h1 Press
h1 Press
h2 Downloads
h1 #AliveInsideStories
h1 #AliveInsideStories
h1 Special Thanks
h1 Special Thanks
h3 Special thanks to the Alive Inside angels- our Executive Producers!
h3 Benefactors
h3 Supporters
h3 Advocates
h3 We are also very grateful for the members of Impact Partners who gave us a loan to finish the film.
h3 Of course a big thank to our wonderful crew
h3 Producers
h3 Editors
h3 Composer
h3 Camera and Sound
h3 Story Consultant
h3 Additional Editing
h3 Additional Animation and Design
h3 Cello and Arrangements
h3 Bass
h3 Drums
h3 Vocals (Come Alive)
h3 Choral Vocals
h3 Trumpet
h3 Woodwinds
h3 Guitar
h3 Mix & Recording Engineer
h3 City Drive Films Coordinator
h3 DVD Post Producer
h3 Production Assistants
h3 Production Manager
h3 Eyeball Digital Web Design
h3 Eyeball Digital App Design
h3 Additional Graphic Designers
h3 Photomicrography
h3 Stock Footage Research
h3 Brain Images
h3 Piano, Keyboards, Guitar and Programming
h3 Script Consultants
h3 Legal
h3 Fiscal Sponsor
h3 The Stanford Fair Use Project
h3 BOND/360
h3 And our Subjects!
h3 Music and Memory.org
h3 Eden Alternative
h3 Neurologist
h3 Vocalist / Composer
h3 Institute for Music and Neurologic Function
h3 Culture Change Consultant
h3 Professor of Neurology, Case Western Reserve University
h3 Musicians for World Harmony
h3 Professor of Biochemistry and Chemistry, Brandeis University
h3 Founder of Validation Technique
h3 Director of Ohio Department of Aging
h3 Executive Director, Picker Institute
h3 Eden Mentor
h3 Director of the office of Long-Term Care Ombudsman
h3 Assistant Secretary for Aging , US Health & Human
h3 Director, Litwin-Zucker Center, Feinstein Institute and Resnick Professor, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
h3 And all these people who helped out in ways to numerous to count!
h3 And of course our Kickstarter Supporters
h1 Donate
h1 Donate
h1 Alive Inside Theater
h1 Alive Inside Theater
h4 Terri
h4 Sandy Horowitz
h4 Alice Horowitz
h4 Pat McGinnis
h4 Pauline Mosher
h4 Matthew J Lynch
h4 Jill Trautman-Mannino
h4 Jenn Chittick
h4 Susan Jakowenko LaBonte
h4 Janelle Geffert
h4 Aracelis Jaffe
h4 Chela Fiorini
h4 Lois Keller
h4 Nicole Rae Pound
h4 H Michelle Searles
h4 Jane Ann
h4 Kathy Innis
h4 Christine Felton
h4 Nancy Chester
h4 Jack Tager
h4 Candy Inbody
h4 Beth Reinert
h4 Lisa Price
h4 Brenda Wolfe
h4 Laura Gergen Weum
h4 Bill Dewolf
h4 Melissa Davis
h4 Susan Dorn Crouthers
h4 Serena Sullivan
h4 Beverly Laubert
h4 Kathy Terry
h4 Jenzi Silverman
h4 Joe Boyle
h4 Brandi Lewis
h4 Jamila Gorna
Cómo resolver problemas con aliveinside.us
Los errores en el sitio web de aliveinside.us pueden ser del lado del servidor o de su lado (lado del cliente). Si no hay prácticamente nada que hacer con los errores del lado del servidor (solo queda esperar para que el sitio vuelva a funcionar), luego, con errores en el lado del cliente, es posible resolver el problema con la disponibilidad de aliveinside.us por su cuenta.