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Información técnica

Título de la página principal:
Mystery Science: Lessons for elementary teachers
Descripción de la página principal:
Mystery Science offers open-and-go lessons that inspire kids to love science. The hook, visuals, and activity have all been prepared for you. Less prep, more learning.
Palabras clave de la página principal:
ngss science curriculum, elementary science lessons, lesson plans
Código de estado:
Tamaño de página:
218.2 KB
Tiempo de respuesta:
Encabezados de respuesta:
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Encabezados de SEO

h1 Share a free trial
h2 Thanks for sharing!
h1 Standards-aligned curriculum that inspires kids to love science!
h2 Hands-on science made easy
h2 Hands-on science made easy
h2 Popular Mini Lessons
h3 Observing & Asking Questions
h3 K-5 How do scientists know so much?
h3 Flight & Forces
h3 K-5 Why can't airplanes fly to space?
h3 Experiments & Variables
h3 K-5 What does a scientist do?
h3 Bones, Animal Structures
h3 K-5 Why do our skeletons have so many bones?
h3 Invention & Engineering
h3 K-5 How do you become a great inventor?
h3 Adaptations & Habitats
h3 K-5 How do polar animals survive the cold?
h3 Mini-Lesson
h3 K-5 Who invented school?
h3 Mini-Lesson
h3 K-5 Do any plants eat animals?
h2 Kindergarten - 2nd Grade
h3 Animal Needs: Safety
h3 K How can you find animals in the woods?
h3 Stars & Daily Patterns
h3 1st Why do the stars come out at night?
h3 Biodiversity, Habitats, & Species
h3 2nd Why do frogs say "ribbit"?
h3 Animal Needs: Food
h3 K Why do woodpeckers peck wood?
h3 Sun, Shadows, & Daily Patterns
h3 1st Could a statue's shadow move?
h3 Seasonal Weather Patterns
h3 K What will the weather be like on your birthday?
h3 Mapping & Earth's Surface Features
h3 2nd If you floated down a river, where would you end up?
h2 Anchored in everyday scientific phenomena
h2 3rd Grade - 5th Grade
h3 Habitats, Fossils, & Environments Over Time
h3 3rd Where can you find whales in a desert?
h3 Volcanoes & Rock Cycle
h3 4th Why do some volcanoes explode?
h3 Chemical Reactions
h3 5th What do fireworks, rubber, and Silly Putty have in common?
h3 Food Webs & Flow of Energy
h3 5th Why did the dinosaurs go extinct?
h3 Water Cycle & States of Matter
h3 3rd Where do clouds come from?
h3 Muscles & Skeleton
h3 4th Why do your biceps bulge?
h3 Food Chains, Producers, & Consumers
h3 5th Why would a hawk move to New York City?
h2 Engineering Lessons
h3 Gravitational Energy, Speed, & Collisions
h3 4th What makes roller coasters go so fast?
h3 Light, Communication, & Engineering
h3 1st How could you send a secret message to someone far away?
h3 Balanced Forces & Engineering
h3 3rd What makes bridges so strong?
h3 Direction of Motion & Engineering
h3 K How can we protect a mountain town from falling rocks?
h3 Inventions & Engineering
h3 2nd What materials might be invented in the future?
h3 Natural Hazards & Engineering
h3 3rd How can you keep a house from blowing away in a windstorm?
h3 Energy Transfer & Engineering
h3 4th Could you knock down a building using only dominoes?
h3 Natural Disasters & Engineering
h3 5th How can you save a town from a hurricane?
h2 Loved by students and teachers
h1 Get 200 lessons FREE until June 2025!
h2 About
h2 Support
h2 Products
h1 How can we help you?

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Los errores en el sitio web de mysteryscience.com pueden ser del lado del servidor o de su lado (lado del cliente). Si no hay prácticamente nada que hacer con los errores del lado del servidor (solo queda esperar para que el sitio vuelva a funcionar), luego, con errores en el lado del cliente, es posible resolver el problema con la disponibilidad de mysteryscience.com por su cuenta.