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Rocks Off Mag - Music | Culture | Lifestyle | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Small, passionate and always learning - Rocks Off Magazine is an online magazine dedicated to telling the stories of our favourite music, movie, cultural and celebrity icons. We focus on the Golden Years of the 1960s, 70s and 80s - but honestly, won't avoid a good story no matter the era it originates. Rocks Off Magazine is a digital publication of music, culture, and lifestyle. Inspired by the 60s and 70s but with a modern relevance! | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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h3 Erika Eleniak: Playboy, E.T. ‘Pretty Girl’, Under Siege & Baywatch Star
h3 Jennifer Syme, Keanu Reeves & Their Daughter – A Tragic Story
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h3 Joan Jett Songs: 10 Essential Tracks You Need to Know
h3 Jackie Witte: The Revealing Story of Paul Newman’s First Wife
h3 Teresa Barrick: A Life with Steven Tyler, Before & After
h3 Sam Cooke Songs: 10 Essential Tracks You Need to Know
h3 Conor Clapton: The Tragic Story Of Eric Clapton’s Son
h3 Margaux Hemingway: 14 Interesting Facts You Probably Didn’t Know
h3 Erin Everly: The Complete Story of Axl Rose’s First Wife
h3 How the Death of Christine McVie Brought Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham Together Again
h3 Who Is the Richest Member of New Edition and How Did He Achieve It?
h3 Who Was the First Golden Girl to Pass Away and What Is Her Legacy?
h3 The 25 Richest Rock Stars in the World | A Rock And Roll Rich List
h3 Rock And Roll Movies | 20 Films That Will Rock Your World
h3 The Biggest One Hit Wonders In Rock History
h3 The Best Rock Lyrics | 30 Lines That Matter
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h3 How the Death of Christine McVie Brought Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham Together Again
h3 The Complete Story of Maureen Wilson and Robert Plant’s Love
h3 Who Is the Richest Member of New Edition and How Did He Achieve It?
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