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Información técnica

Título de la página principal:
Ivermectin And HCQ Without A Doctor's Prescription | SPEAKWITHANMD - No Doctor Visit
Descripción de la página principal:
Medical prescriptions for Ivermectin and HCQ online. Please fill out a questionnaire to help determine medical necessity for a medical support. Patients can safely buy Ivermectin online and Hydroxychloroquine.
Código de estado:
Tamaño de página:
208.0 KB
Tiempo de respuesta:
Encabezados de respuesta:
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Encabezados de SEO

h1 Telemedicine Ivermectin and HCQ Prescription Request
h4 Complete The Form
h4 Doctor Review
h4 Product Delivery
h3 Are you a new patient?
h3 Step 1Personal Details
h3 Step 2Personal Details
h3 Step 4Telemedicine Survey | Telemed Acknowledgement
h3 Step 5Telemedicine Survey | General
h3 Step 6Telemedicine Survey | Seasonal Allergies
h3 Step 7Telemedicine Survey | Flu Screening
h3 Step 8Telemedicine Survey | COVID-19
h3 Step 9Telemedicine Survey | Pharmacy Request
h3 Step 10Telemedicine Concierge Service
h3 Final Step Please Review before Submission
h5 Personal Information
h5 First Name *
h5 Middle Name
h5 Last Name *
h5 Gender
h5 Street Address *
h5 City *
h5 State *
h5 ZIP *
h5 Date of Birth *
h5 Phone Number *
h5 Best Time to call you *
h5 Email
h5 Telemedicine Survey | Telemed Acknowledgement
h5 Q1.By checking this box and requesting an appointment, you will be provided the opportunity to consult with a physician that is licensed in your state of residence. This does not guarantee that the requested medications will be prescribed. We rely on the experience and medical knowledge of our highly qualified physicians to provide the best patient care possible through telemedicine. *
h5 Q2.By checking this box you are agreeing to our terms and conditions and our refund policy refunds are made at our discretion and are not guaranteed. *
h5 Q3.By checking this box you are agreeing that we are independent of any pharmacy and any guarantees made regarding medication delivery are not reflected by us, medications are not included in the appointment fee. *
h5 Q4.The patient expressly acknowledges and consents that patient consults may be conducted by a licensed nurse practitioner or licensed physician. *
h5 Telemedicine Survey | General
h5 Q1.What is your chief complaint? *
h5 Q2.What is your Height: *
h5 Q3.What is your weight: *
h5 Q4.What current medications are you taking? *
h5 Q5.Are you Diabetic? *
h5 Q6.Do you take oral or insulin to treat diabetes? *
h5 Q7.Do you have any allergies: *
h5 Q8.Are you allergic to any medication? *
h5 Q9.Have you seen doctor in last 12 months: *
h5 Q10.Have you recently experienced a cough or allergy symptoms? Such as runny nose, itchy eyes, or scratchy throat? *
h5 Q11.Do you experience Seasonal Allergies? *
h5 Q12.Do you often feel sluggish, lack energy, or get frequent colds or flu? *
h5 Q13.Do you have chronic heartburn or acid reflux? *
h5 Q14.Are you currently experiencing any of the following? *
h5 Q15.Do you experience any of the following skin issues? *
h5 Q16.Do you experience any of the following conditions? *
h5 Q17.Do you have a history of Retina Disease? *
h5 Q18.Do you have a history of Arrhythmia or Heart Disease? *
h5 Q19.Do you have a history of Seizures? *
h5 Q20.Do you have a history of low blood counts? *
h5 Q21.Do you have a history of Asthma or COPD? *
h5 Q22.Are you currently pregnant? *
h5 Telemedicine Survey | Seasonal Allergies
h5 Q1.How long have you exhibited symptoms of seasonal allergies? *
h5 Q2.What symptoms do you experience? *
h5 Q3.Are you currently taking an anti-histamine? *
h5 Q4.Would you be interested in a anti-histamine if the physician deems you a good candidate for this treatment option? *
h5 Telemedicine Survey | Flu Screening
h5 Q1.Are you running a fever of 100F or greater? *
h5 Q2.Are you experiencing any of these symptoms? *
h5 Q3.Have you been experiencing these symptoms for longer than 4 days? *
h5 Q4.Are you having trouble breathing or shortness of breath? *
h5 Q5.Are you currently taking any medications to self-treat your symptoms? *
h5 Telemedicine Survey | COVID-19
h5 Q1.Are you experiencing any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, shortness of breath, chills, repeated shaking with chills, muscle pain, headache, sore throat, or new loss of taste or smell? *
h5 Q1.1.Are you covid positive currently or exhibiting symptoms that are concerning for covid? *
h5 Q1.2.Do you have any chest pain? *
h5 Q1.3.Do you have any shortness of breath? *
h5 Q2.Have you been in close contact within the past 10 days with a laboratory confirmed COVID-19 case? *
h5 Q2.1.Are you exhibiting symptoms that are concerning for covid? *
h5 Q2.2.Are you wanting to receive a recommended prophylaxis kit of medications in case you become sick from being exposed to COVID-19? *
h5 Q2.3.Are you willing to waive the step of having to wait on a phone call from the physician to receive the prescription for the COVID-19 prophylaxis kit of medications? By selecting yes to this question, a doctor will NOT be calling you. The physician will review the intake information you provided and if approved, will be sending a prescription for the prophylaxis kit direct to our partner pharmacy. You will receive a call from the pharmacy. *
h5 Q2.4.Patient agrees that unless otherwise requested by the treating physician, doctor-patient consults shall be conducted via Asynchronous communication, and patient expressly waives the right to have doctor-patient consults conducted by way of other telehealth modalities, including but not limited to direct video communication (Synchronous), Remote Patient Monitoring, Mobile Health (mHealth), or other audio/video direct person to person collaboration. *
h5 Q3.Have you been in contact with a person hospitalized with acute lower respiratory illness of unknown origin? *
h5 Q4.Do you have any history of travel to or from an affected geographic area with widespread community transmission? *
h5 Q5.Do you have a history of international travel or a cruise? *
h5 Q6.Are you 65 and or older with a history of chronic health conditions? *
h5 Q7.Which medication do you prefer? *
h5 Telemedicine Survey | Pharmacy Request
h5 Q1.If available, would you like your prescription delivered directly to your home? *
h5 Q2.Pharmacy Lookup *
h5 Telemedicine Concierge Service
h5 Q1.Be treated like a movie star, athlete and the rich and famous with 24/7 medical help when you need it. Have a doctors ,nurses, pharmacists and counselors available to you whenever a need arises. We can send more information and additional benefits by clicking on I would like more information.
h5 Q2. Would it be okay to contact you regarding this?
h4 Payment Consultation Fee:
h3 Payment Billing Details
h4 Terms and conditions
h4 Please Acknowledge:
h5 Thank you for your payment! Your confirmation number is 0000000000000. Please keep this number for your records. It will also serve as your Patient ID.
h6 Please Note: If you did not receive a Patient ID, please contact us immediately at [email protected]
h2 What To Expect Next
h6 Save this page for your reference
h6 • The physician has 48 hours to contact you after submitting your request on our website. • A physican will do their best to honor your preferred time preference; however, due to a high volume of patients they may call you at a different time. Please be sure to answer your phone during the next few days (or until you've talked with the physician) even if you may not recognize the number. • If the call from our physician went straight to your voicemail, please make sure you have anonymous call block turned off.

Cómo resolver problemas con speakwithanmd.us

Los errores en el sitio web de speakwithanmd.us pueden ser del lado del servidor o de su lado (lado del cliente). Si no hay prácticamente nada que hacer con los errores del lado del servidor (solo queda esperar para que el sitio vuelva a funcionar), luego, con errores en el lado del cliente, es posible resolver el problema con la disponibilidad de speakwithanmd.us por su cuenta.