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Canadian Grocer: grocery industry news, ideas & research | Canadian GrocerProduct CategoriesEvents & AwardsMoreFacebooklinkedInTwitterInstagram
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Canadian Grocer is the most influential brand among key decision-makers in the grocery industry, and Canada’s only audited national grocery publication.
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En-têtes SEO

h1 Canadian Grocer: grocery industry news, ideas & research
h2 Is European food retail strategy gaining momentum in Canada?
h2 Lassonde looks to boost competitiveness in U.S.
h1 PHOTO GALLERY: T&T opens new store in London
h2 Pattison Food Group president Darrell Jones to retire, Jamie Nelson tapped as successor
h2 Wonder Bread takes pro-triangle sandwich stance with new packaging
h3 PHOTO GALLERY: Star Women in Grocery Awards Ceremony 2024
h3 Port of Montreal dockworkers begin three-day strike at two terminals
h3 Minimum wage in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, P.E.I. increases
h3 Generation Next Thinking: Capitalizing on the immigration boom
h3 The human behind the brand
h3 Costco wraps fiscal year with steady Q4
h3 Sobey Foundation and Empire kick off annual fundraiser in support of youth mental health
h3 Metro’s Shared Kitchens launches in partnership with Food Banks of Quebec
h3 Economy to grow moderately, rates to fall below 3% next year: Deloitte
h3 Coca-Cola Spiced is getting cancelled after 7 months on the market
h3 Save-On-Foods marks completion of $15 million donation to BC Children’s Hospital
h3 Walmart Canada invests $92 million in frontline workers
h2 Latest From our Experts
h3 Why your cup of coffee won't get cheaper anytime soon
h3 Canadians wary of AI integration
h3 In times of uncertainty, food has the power to bring people together
h3 How grocers can reconnect with digitally savvy gen Zs through better-for-you snacking
h3 The rise of autonomous shopping
h2 Mark your calendar
h2 2024 Star Women in Grocery Awards
h2 FHCP CEO & Executive Leadership Conference
h2 Grocery Innovations Canada 2024
h2 2024 OPMA Gala and Awards Ceremony
h2 GroceryConnex 2024
h2 People
h2 Photo Galleries
h2 Plant-based
h2 New Stores
h2 Tech
h2 Produce
h2 Health & Wellness
h2 Worth Reading
h2 Community
h2 Sustainability
h2 New on Shelf
h3 Protein Candy
h3 Dutchman’s Gold Honey with Pumpkin Spice (Limited Edition)
h3 Earth's Own The Alt
h3 Chocoxo Dark Chocolate Peppermint Cups (Limited Edition)
h3 Colgate PerioGard Protect Mouthwash
h2 Stay Informed
h3 Get the Newsletter
h3 Subscribe to the magazine

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