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Informations techniques

Titre de la page principale:
Canadian Vehicle History Reports | CARFAX Canada
Description de la page principale:
Buying or selling a used car? Get the Full Vehicle History Report from CARFAX Canada (formerly CARPROOF) which will help you make informed decisions.
Code de statut :
Taille de la page:
66.2 Ko
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En-têtes SEO

h1 Canada’s most comprehensivevehicle history report.
h2 Get the vehicle history report Canadians trust.
h3 Vehicle Damage
h3 Safety & Service
h3 Other Essential Details
h2 What's your car worth?
h3 "Through CARFAX Canada, we found out that the vehicle we were looking at had 2 accidents. It was great info that we used to have our 3rd party mechanic look at the car and make sure that the accidents did not cause any serious damage."
h3 "Although the seller of the vehicle told me there were no accidents, a CARFAX Canada report just gave me the peace of mind to continue with the purchase. A small amount to pay when looking at the big picture!"
h3 "It’s nice to know that there is a way to verify the history of the vehicle before investing a big chunk of money, to avoid waking up to have your car taken from you because there was a lien on the vehicle."
h3 "Car was sold in minutes of the buyer reading the CARFAX Canada report. All the information they wanted was right there."
h3 "First time I have done something like this and it was worth every penny. I am so happy and at ease with my new car purchase. Thanks CARFAX Canada."
h3 "Having a CARFAX Canada report to present to a potential buyer gives you, the seller, an edge. It is very important to trust the other person when buying a used vehicle. Having a CARFAX Canada history report shows that you are not hiding anything."
h2 Industry giants trust CARFAX Canada. So should you.

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