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Titre de la page principale:
CHIME Experiment
Description de la page principale:
The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment is a revolutionary new Canadian radio telescope designed to answer major questions in astrophysics & cosmology.
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En-têtes SEO

h3 The Canadian Hydrogen Intensity Mapping Experiment is a revolutionary new Canadian radio telescope designed to answer major questions in astrophysics and cosmology.
h2 Location
h2 Instrument
h4 Telescope
h4 F-Engine
h4 X-Engine
h4 Fast Radio Burst Detector
h4 Pulsar Monitoring Instrument
h2 Cosmology
h2 Fast Radio Bursts
h2 Pulsars
h2 Team
h3 The CHIME project is co-led by the University of British Columbia, McGill University, University of Toronto, and the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory with collaborating institutions across North America.
h2 Funding
h3 The CHIME telescope was built with principal funding from the Canadian Foundation for Innovation with partnership from the Provinces of British Columbia, Ontario, and Quebec. The CHIME project also receives funding from NSERC and CIFAR.
h3 The CHIME team acknowledges significant contributions from the following companies: AMD, Cisco, Rogers, and Xilinx.
h2 News
h4 Canadian team wins prestigious award for work unravelling some of the mysteries of our universe
h5 October 25, 2022
h4 CHIME telescope detects more than 500 mysterious fast radio bursts in its first year of operation
h5 June 9, 2021
h4 CHIME - Governor General’s Innovation Awards
h5 July 14, 2020
h4 CHIME study involving U of T astronomers finds fast radio bursts repeat 'on the time scale of weeks'
h5 June 22, 2020
h4 Astronomers detect another form of mysterious, repeating radio bursts | CBC News
h5 June 20, 2020
h4 A Surprise Discovery Points to the Source of Fast Radio Bursts
h5 June 11, 2020
h4 Telescope Detects Fast Radio Burst Hitting Earth Every 16 Days
h5 February 10, 2020
h4 This is the first fast radio burst known to have a steady beat
h5 February 7, 2020
h4 Canadian astronomers find 8 more mysterious repeating fast radio bursts from space | CBC News
h5 August 17, 2019
h4 A homespun Canadian telescope could explain mysterious radio signals from the distant universe
h5 March 14, 2019
h4 Thanks to Canadian telescope, scientists are closer to solving one of astronomy’s biggest mysteries
h5 January 10, 2019
h4 What explains the fascinating radio bursts from outer space
h5 January 10, 2019
h4 Canadian telescope finds mysterious radio flashes from deep space
h5 January 9, 2019
h4 Bevy of Mysterious Fast Radio Bursts Spotted by Canadian Telescope
h5 January 8, 2019
h4 CHIME begins its cosmic search
h5 March 22, 2018
h4 New Telescope Could Solve Mystery Of Deep-Space Fast Radio Bursts (FRBs
h4 Sifting through the sounds of space with CHIME
h4 Radio telescope unveiled in B.C. will listen in on secrets of the universe
h4 Innovative radio telescope to scan the skies from Penticton
h4 Le télescope CHIME à l'écoute de l'Univers
h4 Fast Radio Bursts Are Astronomy's Next Big Thing
h4 What Are Fast Radio Bursts? - Universe Today
h4 Penticton radio telescope project selects Calgary's CoolIT Systems for liquid cooling - Cantech Letter
h4 Penticton radio telescope to search for the invisible substance of the universe
h4 Work begins on B.C. radio telescope that will act like time machine: scientists
h4 Scientists stoked about new telescope near Penticton - Penticton Western News
h4 Canadian scientists try to shed light on dark energy
h4 Canadian Telescope Explores Dark Energy * Toddlers Tell Lies * Teeth Reveal Dinosaur Species * Tapeworm Eggs in Fossilized...
h4 New B.C. telescope looks ‘back in time’ to map early universe
h4 Huge radio telescope in B.C. to help map quarter of observable universe
h4 Construction begins on Canada's largest radio telescope
h3 Load more stories
h2 Gallery
h3 Loading image...
h2 For Astronomers
h2 Pulsar Data Releases
h2 CHIME Publications

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