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Informations techniques

Titre de la page principale:
City University of Hong Kong (CityU)City University of Hong Kong (CityU) Entrance
Description de la page principale:
Located in the heart of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong (CityU) has a well-earned reputation as an innovative hub for research and professional education and for addressing global issues and empowering positive change.
Mots clés de la page principale:
city university, city university of hong kong, cityu, a university in Hong Kong, a Hong Kong university, Hong Kong education, higher education Hong Kong, college, education, discovery, innovation, teaching, learning, research
Code de statut :
Taille de la page:
133.3 Ko
Délai de réponse:
En-têtes de réponse:
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En-têtes SEO

h2 Main Menu
h2 Supp. Menu
h2 Quick Links
h2 CityUHK confers Honorary Fellowships on three distinguished persons
h2 Grand Opening of City University of Hong Kong (Dongguan)
h2 32 CityUHK scholars receive national research funding
h2 Engaging with leading universities and corporations in Vietnam
h2 CityUHK is committed to sustainability
h2 Spotlight
h3 CityUHK holds flag-raising ceremony to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China
h3 Going Global - Reaching Out and Levelling Up
h3 CityUHK Undergraduate Info Day 2024
h3 "CityUHK Innovating into the Future" TV Series
h3 Celebrating the 30th Anniversary as a Young and Innovative University
h3 Brand Your Campus Learning Experience
h3 Apply Now for Undergraduate Programmes for 2025 entry
h3 CityUHK student interns at the University of Oxford and participates in a machine learning research project
h3 Pro-Chancellor’s Seminar Series explores clinical implications and future directions of brain imaging technology
h2 About CityUHK
h2 #62
h2 #1
h2 #4
h2 #17
h2 #15
h2 #82
h2 Study at CityUHK
h2 Research
h2 28
h2 #1 in HK
h2 #1 in HK
h2 Student Life
h2 Global partnerships with top-notch universities
h2 Sport for life
h2 Arts come alive
h2 A dynamic hub for professional education
h2 Pioneering art and technology expression
h2 Training for the professions
h2 President’s Corner
h2 Focus
h2 Events
h4 City University of Hong Kong
h2 Footer Menu

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Les erreurs sur le site Web peuvent être soit du côté serveur, soit de votre côté (côté client). S'il n'y a pratiquement rien à faire concernant les erreurs côté serveur (il ne reste plus qu'à attendre pour que le site fonctionne à nouveau), alors avec des erreurs côté client, il est possible de résoudre le problème de disponibilité de par vous-même.