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Informations techniques

Titre de la page principale:
Coop restaurant | Ranges, buffet & menus
Description de la page principale:
Eat in a Coop restaurant ✓ Fresh, affordable, regional ✓ Counter & buffet: assemble your own dishes ► Visit a Coop restaurant
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Taille de la page:
79.7 Ko
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En-têtes de réponse:
date: Sat, 05 Oct 2024 16:29:08 GMT
server: Apache
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Enregistrements DNS:
A address185.170.88.117

En-têtes SEO

h2 Welcome to Coop's kitchen and cosy front room
h2 $Facilities and services$ at your Coop restaurant
h1 The Coop restaurant: great food every day, all over Switzerland
h2 Find a Coop restaurant $near you$
h2 $Daily$ selection in all Coop restaurants
h2 Chicken balls
h3 $Extended$ lunch options
h2 The best of Asian cuisine
h2 Fish and meat straight off the grill
h2 The salad buffet for all tastes
h2 The Italian classic
h2 Shaped or filled, always delicious
h2 Little prices for little foodies
h2 $Breakfast$ in the Coop restaurant. Start the day with coffee and croissants.
h2 Enjoy a good, quick and inexpensive $lunch$ in the Coop restaurant.
h2 Coffee and cake break. $Afternoon snacks$ in the Coop restaurant.
h2 Spend time with the $whole family$
h2 Inexpensive lunch for your $employees$
h2 $Highest standard$, highest quality
h2 $180 restaurant locations$ across Switzerland
h2 Current vacancies. $Become part of the team$.
h2 Restaurant Manager
h2 Assistant Restaurant Manager
h2 Cook
h2 Catering Employee
h2 Catering Specialist Apprenticeship
h3 We enjoyed a really $delicious breakfast$. We are always happy to take a little time out in your beautiful restaurant and enjoy the fine coffee and delicious rolls.
h3 Coop Restaurant: $gastronomic dream$, impressed with variety of food, attractive presentation, cleanliness and atmosphere. Attentive, friendly team makes for a pleasant experience in every respect.
h3 Our school class enjoyed a yummy breakfast here! The class were offered delicious apricots! $Many thanks for such great service!$
h3 Very good lunch, choice of 3 menus, can put together your own menu, fresh salads, good desserts, $super-friendly service.$
h3 Inviting, bright self-service restaurant with terrace. Wide selection of dishes: grill, wok, buffets incl. vegetarian and vegan options. Menus change daily. Child-friendly with play area. $Wheelchair-accessible$
h2 Discover our $other brands$
h2 Everything to go – all day
h2 Coffee and appetizers, Italian-style
h2 Authentic fresh Thai cooking

Comment résoudre les problèmes avec

Les erreurs sur le site Web peuvent être soit du côté serveur, soit de votre côté (côté client). S'il n'y a pratiquement rien à faire concernant les erreurs côté serveur (il ne reste plus qu'à attendre pour que le site fonctionne à nouveau), alors avec des erreurs côté client, il est possible de résoudre le problème de disponibilité de par vous-même.