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Informations techniques

Titre de la page principale: - Economic and sociodemographic information
Description de la page principale:
Consult the latest published data on the main economic and sociodemographic variables by country and region.
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En-têtes SEO

h2 Main navigation
h2 Top menu
h2 COVID-19 - Coronavirus crisis
h2 GDP - Gross Domestic Product
h2 Industrial Production Index
h2 Producer Price Index
h2 Corruption Perceptions Index
h2 Human Development Index - HDI
h2 Government Bonds - 10 Years
h2 Global Stock Market Indexes
h2 Country Risk Premium
h2 Sovereigns Ratings List
h2 Government budget deficit
h2 General government gross debt
h2 CPI Consumer Price Index
h2 Euro Currency Exchange
h2 NMW - National Minimum Wage
h2 Compare countries
h2 Latest published data
h2 Links Your Interests
h2 Country Data
h3 Others
h4 COVID-19 - Deaths per million population
h4 COVID-19 - Vaccines administered
h3 Money Market
h4 Key rates
h3 Taxes
h4 VAT - Valued Added Tax
h4 Personal income tax for employees
h4 Tax Revenue
h3 Labour
h4 Unemployment Rate
h4 Labour Force Survey - LFS
h4 Minimum wages
h4 Average Wage
h4 Human Capital Index
h3 Business
h4 Doing Business Index
h4 Industrial Production Index
h4 New motor vehicle annual sales
h4 Motor vehicle production
h4 Motor vehicle in use
h3 Trade
h4 International tourism
h4 Merchandise Exports
h4 Merchandise Imports
h4 Trade balance
h4 Retail Sales
h3 Prices
h4 CPI (overall index)
h4 HICP - All items
h4 Producer Price Index
h4 Consumer prices of petroleum products
h4 Consumer prices for Gasoline Euro-Super 95
h4 Consumer prices for Gas oil automobile
h4 Consumer prices for Heating gas oil
h3 Energy and Environment
h4 CO2 emission
h4 Methane (CH4) emissions
h4 Crude oil production
h4 Crude Oil Reserves (Million barrels)
h4 Electricity consumption
h4 Electricity generation
h4 Household electricity prices
h3 Markets
h4 Exchange rate
h4 10-Year Government Bond Yield
h4 Risk premium vs benchmark Germany
h4 Stock Exchange Indexes
h4 Commodities
h4 Commodities: Petróleum price
h4 OPEC Basket Price ORB
h4 Europe Brent Spot Price FOB
h4 Cushing, OK WTI Spot Price FOB
h3 Gouvernement
h4 Annual GDP at market prices
h4 Government debt. Millions of EUR
h4 Government budget deficit
h4 General government expenditure
h4 Government Education expenditure
h4 Government Health Expenditure
h4 Government Defence expenditure
h4 Military per 100,000 inhabitants
h4 Sovereigns Ratings List
h4 Corruption Perceptions Index
h4 Global Competitiveness Index
h4 Fragile States Index
h4 Global Right to Information Rating
h4 Global Innovation Index
h3 Socio-Demography
h4 Global Gender Gap Index
h4 Population
h4 International immigrant stock
h4 Migrant remittance
h4 International emigrant stock
h4 Human Development Index
h4 Social Progress Index - SPI
h4 Global Peace Index
h4 Global AgeWatch Index
h4 Fertility
h4 Mortality
h4 Life expectancy at birth
h4 Marriages
h4 Divorces
h4 Intentional self-harm
h4 Intentional homicides
h4 Total prison population
h4 At risk poverty
h4 Gini index
h4 World Happiness Index
h4 Population pyramid
h4 Adult literacy rate
h4 Religions
h2 Secondary menu

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