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Home | Fort Mcmurray Today Fort McMurray TodayUser
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Read the latest Fort McMurray news. We have you covered with all the latest breaking news, stories and updates affecting Fort McMurray today.
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En-têtes SEO

h1 Home | Fort Mcmurray Today
h3 Obituaries
h3 Marketplace
h3 Contact Our Newsroom
h3 Small-Town Alberta Insiders' Guide
h2 Hundreds rally in Fort McMurray for National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
h3 RCMP say Fort McMurray serial killer reports are false, detachment flooded with calls
h3 Wood Buffalo RCMP release sketch of man accused of impersonating cop
h3 Weekly update: Bowman runs for second mayoral term, hundreds rally for CUPE
h3 Mayor Sandy Bowman announces plans to run for second term as mayor
h2 Latest Videos
h2 News near Fort McMurray
h3 Hinton man drowns in Athabasca River, Hinton RCMP and Yellowhead Fire Dept. respond
h3 Five hospitalized, three with life-threatening injuries, after oil well fire north of Cochrane
h3 Community members march through downtown Whitecourt for Orange Shirt Day 2024
h3 Tree Canada: Valleyview and Sturgeon Heights volunteer tree planting event
h3 Whitecourt, Woodlands County adopt ICF cost-sharing agreement for services to residents
h3 Edson RCMP respond to ‘serious’ Hwy. 16 collision between semi and car Friday morning
h3 How Canada convinced the world to eat engine lubricant
h2 Sports
h3 Calgary woman sets course record as winner of the Fort McMurray Marathon
h3 Oilers notebook: Intriguing Noah Philp could be a late bloomer for Edmonton
h3 Edmonton Oilers season just weeks away, but does it even matter?
h3 Grande Prairie rugby players busy season ends hosting league championship game
h3 Draisaitl can't imagine leaving: 'I wanted to be an Oiler for life'
h2 weather (Fort McMurray)
h2 Entertainment
h3 Grande Prairie live theatre: Catch a viewing of “The Last 5 Years”
h3 Centre for Creative Arts: Janet Enfield, how to find your style
h3 Folk fest first-timer: Grande Prairie’s musical weekend a wild success
h3 Alan Doyle: Legendary musical rowdyman brings the kitchen party to Grande Prairie
h3 Grande Prairie Bear Creek folk fest: Northbloods frontman Zachary Kay talks songwriting
h2 Life
h3 Senior Living: As we age, it’s OK if a few things fade away
h3 Toronto siblings invest in the power of ghee with skin-care brand Ghlee
h3 What are 'scrambled pancakes'? How this viral recipe is dividing the internet
h3 Third-generation Vancouver tailor continues family legacy with The Sartorial Shop
h3 Juhl: Children, especially teens, need a 'third space' of their own
h2 Opinion
h3 Braid: Smith breaks open the public piggy bank to solve school shortage, blames Trudeau
h3 David Staples: It won't be long before a corporate logo replaces beloved Edmonton Oilers crest on jersey
h3 Braid: Premier Smith coddles the UCP's angriest on way to leadership review vote
h3 Geoff Russ: Wab Kinew is bringing a new, patriotic kind of progressivism
h3 David Staples: Images of Jasper's destruction will be seared into our memory for a lifetime
h2 Driving
h3 Toyota working on new 400-hp MR2, say reports
h3 Jeep asks owners of 14,000 hybrids in Canada to park outside
h3 Morgan to import iconic 2025 Plus 4 to America
h3 Ford throws in charger, installation with EV purchase
h3 Man smashes windows in 75 new vehicles, then causes multi-car crash
h2 Healthing
h3 Getting your flu shot: Common misconceptions and importance of preventive care
h3 Opinion: Ontario needs culturally sensitive, self-collection HPV screening for all women
h3 Influenza in Canada: Stats, impact and resources
h3 Study shows flash glucose monitoring reduces risk for diabetes patients
h3 Leaders in health: Megan Mantle and caring for caregivers through Workhorse Health

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