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Home - Legacy of Hope Foundation
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A Message from our Board President, Adam North Peigan Commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation Our latest toolkit How to be an Ally - A Toolkit for Aspiring Indigenous Allies is now available! Download a free copy
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En-têtes SEO

h2 A Message from our Board President, Adam North Peigan Commemorating the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
h3 A guide to teaching and learning about the history of Residential Schools, for students in grades 8 and 10.
h2 Our Newsletter is now live! Subscribe Below
h1 Interweaving our Communities
h3 Working with Indigenous Knowledge Keepers across Canada
h3 Discussing self-care teachings, on-the-land experiences and practices that promote well-being for Survivors by offering an expanding library of stories, teachings, cultural knowledge, humour and healing.
h3 Interweaving our Communities
h3 Stories, knowledge and resources for Survivors, Intergenerational Survivors and families of Survivors of the Indian Residential School System. This project aims to work towards connecting various Indigenous Peoples and communities by sharing their local cultural practices and demonstrating how these practices benent their own or others well-being and healing journeys.
h1 Our Friends at Knockabout Media Proudly Present:
h1 The Story of a National Crime
h5 Peter Henderson Bryce was a medical doctor, civil servant and public health expert. In 1907, after surveying 35 residential schools, he submitted a report to the Department of Indian Affairs detailing clear connections between Residential Schools, tuberculosis and high student mortality rates. His recommendations fell on deaf ears and would not be revealed publicly until he was forced to retire. Fifteen years after his initial report, he published an 18-page “appeal for justice”—a pamphlet containing his findings and recommendations, and condemning the government’s lack of action to address illness and death in the Residential School System and First Nation communities. Indigenous peoples continued to experience disproportionate impacts of tuberculosis for years to come. Eventual federal intervention involved a confusing web of enforced medical care leaving Survivors and patients’ families to seek answers and closure.
h2 Sharing stories and educating Canadians
h2 Visit Our Store for Orange Shirts and Other Resources
h2 The Mindful Maple Leaf
h5 The Mindful Maple Leaf™ Pocket Stone is the ultimate gift for people who appreciate extraordinary craftsmanship, unique hand-crafted art, and the opportunity to support Canadian artisans and communities.
h5 This enchanting hand-carved Canadian Mindful Maple Leaf™ Pocket Stone is the perfect reminder to take time to be in the moment. Nestled in the palm of your hand, you will be mesmerized by the magical labradorescence likeness of the Northern Lights granting you time to focus on positive thoughts and intentions.
h5 SimpliCanada has developed a distinctly Indigenous artisanal collaboration project that will support Residential School Survivors through the Legacy of Hope Foundation.  Each Mindful Maple Leaf is a uniquely carved labradorite pocket-stone produced at a Nunatsiavut-based workshop that adheres to the Indigenous principles of artists and crafts people.
h2 Research Areas
h2 Residential Schools
h2 Sixties Scoop
h2 Resources
h2 Exhibitions
h4 Escaping Residential Schools
h4 Waniskahtan
h4 Youth on Reconciliation: Imagine a Canada
h4 Forgotten: The Metis Residential School Experience
h4 Where are the Children?
h4 Bi-Giwen: Truth Telling From the Sixties Scoop
h4 Remembering, Honouring and the Way Forward
h4 Peter Henderson Bryce: A Man of Conscience
h4 A National Crime: The Residential School Experience in Canada
h2 Latest News
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation – Acknowledges the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Apology for Harms to Indigenous Peoples
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation – Acknowledges the Canadian Medical Association (CMA) Apology for Harms to Indigenous Peoples
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation Mourns the Sudden Passing of Grand Chief of the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs, Cathy Merrick
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation Presents – Roots & Hoots Episode 56: Featuring Cameron Adams
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation Acknowledges Avondale Public School
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation Presents – Roots & Hoots Episode 55: Featuring Dr. Allyson Stevenson
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation Presents – Roots & Hoots Episode 54: Featuring Michael Lawrenchuk
h4 The Legacy of Hope Foundation Acknowledges ATB Financial

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Les erreurs sur le site Web legacyofhope.ca peuvent être soit du côté serveur, soit de votre côté (côté client). S'il n'y a pratiquement rien à faire concernant les erreurs côté serveur (il ne reste plus qu'à attendre pour que le site fonctionne à nouveau), alors avec des erreurs côté client, il est possible de résoudre le problème de disponibilité de legacyofhope.ca par vous-même.