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Home - Defense news and analysis
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All the defense news and analyses, in Europe and around the world, on
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En-têtes SEO

h1 META-DEFENSEMore than Defense news
h1 META-DEFENSEMore than Defense news
h1 META-DEFENSE.FRThere is More about Defense
h2 Does Japan's new 13DDX destroyer herald a new generation of naval escorts?
h3 Will September 30 mark the return of ballistic missiles to the West?
h3 Israeli air defenses compromised by Iranian ballistic missiles?
h3 The 105 mm howitzer, a huge global market ignored by European industry
h3 Will the Russian military budget for 2025-2027 be torpedoed by Saudi Arabia?
h4 full versions
h3 Does Japan's new 13DDX destroyer herald a new generation of naval escorts?
h3 The 105 mm howitzer, a huge global market ignored by European industry
h3 A Super programRafale imposes itself today, between the Rafale F5 and the FCAS? 2/2
h4 Air Force
h3 Will AQ400 Scythe attack drones save Ukraine?
h3 A Super programRafale imposes itself today, between the Rafale F5 and the FCAS? 2/2
h3 F-35: Turkey close to agreement to acquire 20 American stealth fighters?
h3 Iran unveils Shahed-136B attack drone capable of reaching Europe
h4 Naval Forces
h3 Does Japan's new 13DDX destroyer herald a new generation of naval escorts?
h3 Naval Group to unveil its ambitions for unmanned vessels at Euronaval 2024
h3 Is the sinking of Chinese nuclear submarine a hoax?
h3 TKMS wants to switch to lithium-ion batteries using French technology
h4 Ground Forces
h3 Israeli air defenses compromised by Iranian ballistic missiles?
h3 The 105 mm howitzer, a huge global market ignored by European industry
h3 The 7 French SAMP/T Mamba batteries will be modernized to the SAMP/T NG
h3 Vladimir Putin decrees new increase in the size of Russian armies
h4 Deterrence
h3 Will September 30 mark the return of ballistic missiles to the West?
h3 Is the Pentagon anticipating a lowering of the global nuclear threshold?
h3 Can Paris and London replace American protection of Europe from 2024?
h3 Nuclear weapons: future South Korean defense minister excludes no option
h4 BUDGETS and POLICY Defense
h3 Will the Russian military budget for 2025-2027 be torpedoed by Saudi Arabia?
h3 EDIP Program: French and European defense manufacturers engage in a fierce standoff
h3 Defence industry: EU makes the right diagnoses, but recommends the wrong solutions
h3 In Strategic Review 2024, Dutch armies prepare for clash with Russia and China
h3 Can we avoid the cataclysm of the reduction in defense credits in France in 2025?
h3 Subscribe newsletter
h4 also read
h3 Will September 30 mark the return of ballistic missiles to the West?
h3 The 105 mm howitzer, a huge global market ignored by European industry
h3 Will AQ400 Scythe attack drones save Ukraine?
h3 TKMS wants to switch to lithium-ion batteries using French technology
h3 F-35: Turkey close to agreement to acquire 20 American stealth fighters?
h3 Does Japan's new 13DDX destroyer herald a new generation of naval escorts?
h4 Last articles
h3 Does Japan's new 13DDX destroyer herald a new generation of naval escorts?
h3 Will September 30 mark the return of ballistic missiles to the West?
h3 Israeli air defenses compromised by Iranian ballistic missiles?
h3 The 105 mm howitzer, a huge global market ignored by European industry
h3 Will the Russian military budget for 2025-2027 be torpedoed by Saudi Arabia?
h3 Will AQ400 Scythe attack drones save Ukraine?
h3 Naval Group to unveil its ambitions for unmanned vessels at Euronaval 2024
h3 A Super programRafale imposes itself today, between the Rafale F5 and the FCAS? 2/2
h3 Is the sinking of Chinese nuclear submarine a hoax?
h3 TKMS wants to switch to lithium-ion batteries using French technology
h3 EDIP Program: French and European defense manufacturers engage in a fierce standoff
h4 Listings
h3 Meta-defense Android App Unavailable
h3 Meta-defense takes a few days off before the start of the school year
h3 GERAN-2, From low-cost missile to lurking ammunition
h4 Advertising

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