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MIR – Canada's premier undergraduate journal of international affairs
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En-têtes SEO

h1 The McGill International Review - Canada's premier undergraduate journal of international affairs
h2 ‘Dead and Buried Before it Started’: The Cautionary Tale of the Farcical Rwanda Bill
h2 30th anniversary of the AMIA attack: Argentina’s path to justice
h2 Kamala Harris is brat
h2 Opinion | Immigration is the Solution to Canada’s Housing Crisis
h2 Can AI in the Humanitarian sector save lives?
h3 Our Picks
h2 MIR Meets: Robert Wright
h2 How Can The African Food System Reconcile Two Divergent Approaches?
h3 The Editors' Desk
h2 Formula 1’s Misogyny is a Car Crash You Can’t Look Away From
h2 MIR Meets: Richard Reeves
h3 Africa
h2 ‘Dead and Buried Before it Started’: The Cautionary Tale of the Farcical Rwanda…
h2 Review Radio: IFAD’s East and Southern Africa Division
h2 Réforme de la Moudawana au Maroc : reflet d’une nation…
h2 As a 3-Decade War Continues in the Congo, the World Looks…
h2 Le Piège du Dollar
h3 The Americas
h2 MIR Meets: Bryan Caplan
h2 30th anniversary of the AMIA attack: Argentina’s path to…
h2 US Election 2024: Foreign and Labour Policy with Jeet Heer
h2 The Silent Dangers of Everyday Dialect Discrimination
h2 Can Ski Resorts Balance the Challenge of Declining Snowfall…
h3 Asia Pacific
h2 Review Radio: Covering China as a Foreign Correspondent
h2 US Election 2024: Foreign and Labour Policy with Jeet Heer
h2 The Silent Dangers of Everyday Dialect Discrimination
h2 Le Piège du Dollar
h2 Navigating Troubled Waters: The Sino-Filipino Maritime…
h2 “Persuaded to Return:” China’s Undercover Police Stations…
h3 Europe
h2 ‘Dead and Buried Before it Started’: The Cautionary Tale of the Farcical Rwanda…
h2 Rise of the Far Right in Europe: Focus on France
h2 The Silent Dangers of Everyday Dialect Discrimination
h2 Can Ski Resorts Balance the Challenge of Declining Snowfall…
h2 The IOC’s Missed Opportunity on its Neutral Athlete…
h3 Middle East
h2 30th anniversary of the AMIA attack: Argentina’s path to justice
h2 US Election 2024: Foreign and Labour Policy with Jeet Heer
h2 FIFA Shoots, Saudi Scores; The 2034 Men’s World Cup’s…
h2 MIR Meets: Pamela Paul
h2 MIR Meets: Ben Burgis
h3 South Asia
h2 The Silent Dangers of Everyday Dialect Discrimination
h2 MIR Meets: Matthew Rosenberg
h2 Forgotten Surrogate Mothers: The Unresolved Issues in…
h2 Building BRICS in the Arctic
h2 More Than a Lost Cause: The Resilience of Afghanistan
h2 Éducation Précaire pour les Rohingyas dans le Plus Grand…
h2 Who Should Pay for Climate Change: The Polluter Pays…
h2 The Graveyard of Promises: The Case of Afghanistan
h4 MIR Year in Review 2019-2020
h3 Most Popular
h3 Culture & Media
h2 The Silent Dangers of Everyday Dialect Discrimination
h2 Formula 1’s Misogyny is a Car Crash You Can’t Look Away From
h2 More than a Festival: The Legacy of Brazilian Carnival
h2 Why are Americans Disappearing from the Military?
h3 Economy
h2 MIR Meets: Bryan Caplan
h2 US Election 2024: Foreign and Labour Policy with Jeet Heer
h2 FIFA Shoots, Saudi Scores; The 2034 Men’s World Cup’s Impacts Beyond…
h2 If It’s Boeing, I Ain’t Going: The Dangers of Deregulation in a…
h3 Health
h2 Where Have All the Great, Good Places Gone?: The Decline of the “Third…
h2 Forgotten Surrogate Mothers: The Unresolved Issues in Commercial…
h2 Breaking Down Barriers: The Quest for Equitable Abortion Access in…
h2 The RFK Jr. School of Science
h3 Environment
h2 Can Ski Resorts Balance the Challenge of Declining Snowfall and the…
h2 Review Radio: IFAD’s East and Southern Africa Division
h2 Beyond Borders: Confronting the Need for Climate Refugee Protection
h2 Polar and Polarizing: The Public’s Response to SKIMS’ Nipple Bra
h3 Technology
h2 Can AI in the Humanitarian sector save lives?
h2 If It’s Boeing, I Ain’t Going: The Dangers of Deregulation in a…
h2 Des taxis volants pour les JO 2024 de Paris?
h2 Where Have All the Great, Good Places Gone?: The Decline of the “Third…

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