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Titre de la page principale:
Home | The MonitorTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube iconTwitter iconFacebook iconInstagram iconYouTube icon
Description de la page principale:
The CCPA's quarterly policy and current affairs magazine, covering issues of critical importance to social, economic and environmental justice.
Mots clés de la page principale:
The CCPA's quarterly policy and current affairs magazine, covering issues of critical importance to social, economic and environmental justice.
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174.6 Ko
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date: Mon, 07 Oct 2024 06:21:56 GMT
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En-têtes SEO

h1 If Canada wanted reconciliation, it would stand with Palestine
h1 Current Issue
h2 Monitor: Transnational activism in North America
h3 Monitor Fall 2024 Issue
h2 Trending
h3 If Canada wanted reconciliation, it would stand with Palestine
h3 New book tracks how neoliberalism gutted Canada's social services
h3 What is the "rental wage" in my neighborhood?
h3 Gazan’s basic income bill could be a game-changer in fight against poverty in Canada
h3 Women bearing the brunt of economic losses: One in five has been laid off or had hours cut
h3 If Canada wanted reconciliation, it would stand with Palestine
h3 What is the "rental wage" in my neighborhood?
h3 Transnational activism in North America
h3 “It’s like we’re not even allowed to be Palestinian”
h3 Not just a train, and certainly not Mayan
h3 Ontario has lost 5,000 classroom educators since 2018
h3 Why dentists are not signing up for the Canadian Dental Care Plan
h3 The rich “won” the pandemic: Income inequality skyrocketed in 2021
h3 Anti-Palestinian racism in Canadian schools and what we can do about it
h3 Is my community a child care desert? New map shows availability across Canada
h2 Latest
h3 What is the "rental wage" in my neighborhood?
h3 Out-of-control rents
h3 Gazan’s basic income bill could be a game-changer in fight against poverty in Canada
h3 Does “green trade” have a future?
h3 Kamala Harris is a breakthrough for representation—but representation is not enough
h3 “It’s like we’re not even allowed to be Palestinian”
h3 Tariffs on Chinese electric vehicles are coming. How high will they be?
h3 Canada needs to strengthen the “cultural exemption” in its free trade agreements:
h3 Canada has its Just Transition law
h3 Climate action survives UK and France elections
h3 “Working class conservatism” is a bait-and-switch scam. Stop taking it at face value.
h4 Newsletter
h4 Show your support

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