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Latest Windsor News | Our Windsor
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Stay informed with the latest news updates from our Windsor news website. Breaking news, top stories, politics, business, sports, & more.
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En-têtes SEO

h1 Our Windsor News - Breaking News Stories
h3 Editor's picks
h3 Meet Bryan Crawford — the OHL’s new boss and hockey outsider
h4 Could this weekend’s Northern Lights display be the best Ontario has seen in years?
h4 October’s lunar lineup: Don’t miss this year’s biggest supermoon and other key moon phases
h4 Nearly 20 new millionaires in a month, including $70-million winners: Where in Ontario were the big September OLG lottery winners from?
h4 Ontario Trillium Benefit cheques and more: Here are the government benefits arriving in October
h4 Northern Lights could put on a show in Ontario skies on Thursday and Friday following powerful solar flare
h3 Things to do
h4 ‘Scandalous’ Jackie Collins and Jacqueline Susann meet in a page-turning new novel
h4 ‘Highly recommended’: Reviewer Glenn Perrett looks at young adult fiction and a graphic novel
h4 Been somewhere great? Share your advice!
h4 I live in hotels 340 nights a year. Here are my expert tips for ensuring you have the best stays
h4 ‘It’s the Baltics’ best-kept secret.’ In Tallinn, Estonia, you should see the Old Town. It’s a UNESCO World Heritage site for good reason
h4 Would France’s famous Côte d’Azur still be as magical to me now?
h2 Featured
h4 ‘Highly recommended’: Reviewer Glenn Perrett looks at young adult fiction and a graphic novel
h4 ‘Spectacular viewing opportunities’: Here’s where to see the fall colours in Ontario, plus what police in Caledon want tourists to know
h4 Canada Post to unveil new stamps next week steeped in Canadian pop culture
h4 Could this weekend’s Northern Lights display be the best Ontario has seen in years?
h4 How do I photograph the Northern Lights? A quick guide to equipment and camera setup
h3 Volunteer Opportunities
h3 TOP STORIES, delivered to your inbox.
h3 Opinion
h3 Are home inspections necessary? Real estate columnist explains the inspections you need before buying a house.
h4 Students with disabilities in Ontario’s publicly funded schools deserve much better
h4 Finding myself: A journey of healing, learning and rediscovery
h4 Not your parents’ learning: How AI is transforming education
h4 Oshawa Generals in command
h4 More from OurWindsor.ca & partners
h3 Life
h3 A little history about Meaford’s Trout Hollow Cabin and the work done by the Muir brothers
h4 It was my first date in six months. She wore a low-cut dress that showed off her, well, assets. At night’s end, she kissed me forcefully. Was I wrong to flee? Ask Lisi
h4 I did my time parenting — been there, done that. How do I tell my husband that I’m over it? Ask Lisi
h4 Ontario Trillium Benefit cheques and more: Here are the government benefits arriving in October
h4 Ontario Trillium Benefit comes out next week: How much you can expect from 3 tax credits in 1 monthly payment
h2 Fun and Games
h3 Daily Crossword
h3 Daily Jigsaw
h3 Daily Sudoku
h3 Daily Solitaire
h3 Helpful Links
h3 Become a Customer
h3 Advertising
h3 About Us
h4 Browser Compatibility

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