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ownr.co - rapports de panne au cours des dernières 24 heures

ownr.co - rapports d'erreurs et d'échecs, méthodes de dépannage

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Informations techniques

Titre de la page principale:
Start, Manage, and Grow Your Business | Ownr
Description de la page principale:
Start, manage, and grow your business with Ownr’s all-in-one platform for business formation and legal documents. Register or incorporate in minutes.
Code de statut :
Taille de la page:
895.7 Ko
Délai de réponse:
En-têtes de réponse:
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En-têtes SEO

h1 Make Small Business Easy Less Hard with Ownr
h3 Register, incorporate, create legal agreements, manage employees, and more—all in one place.
h4 All-In-One Platform
h1 Join Over 180,000 Businesses that Trust Ownr
h3 Your business belongs here. From entrepreneurs registering their first businesses to growing companies hiring employees and bringing on new partners, Ownr helps entrepreneurs succeed.
h4 Features
h1 Why Businesses Choose Ownr
h3 Whether you're registering or incorporating your first company or want to automate legal work for an existing business, Ownr has the support and tools you need at every stage.
h4 Pricing
h2 Start Your Business for Less
h2 $499CAD
h4 Incorporation
h2 $49CAD
h4 Sole Proprietorship
h4 Testimonials
h1 Don’t Just Take Our Word for It. They Registered with Ownr
h1 Ownr Satisfaction Guarantee
h6 * For sole proprietorship registration, "Save $49" offer is inclusive of any applicable taxes, and for incorporation, "Save $300" offer is inclusive of any applicable taxes ("Offer"). Offer available when you register or incorporate with Ownr and apply and get approved for a new RBC business deposit account associated with the business registered or incorporated with Ownr ("BDA") within 60 days of purchase ("Application Criteria"). Royal Bank of Canada (not Ownr or RBC Ventures Inc.) will in its discretion make approval decisions for all BDA applications. Once you complete the Application Criteria, you must log back into your Ownr account and click 'Confirm Account Open' or “Refund Me”. If you received an automatic discount but do not apply and get approved for a BDA and click “Confirm Account Open” within 60 days of payment the discount will be reversed and the amount of the discount will be automatically charged to the credit card you used to pay for your registration. If you have not received an automatic discount, you will receive the Offer as a credit in your BDA within 7-10 business days of clicking “Refund Me”. To qualify for this Offer your BDA must remain open for a period of 1 year from the date it is opened but there is no minimum balance that must be maintained in your BDA. If you received this Offer then change or close your BDA within 1 year of the date it was opened, we reserve the right to charge the credit card that you used to pay for your registration. Offer may be revised or withdrawn at any time without notice.
h6 ** Prices vary by province and incorporation type. Service offered in Ontario, Alberta, and British Columbia.
h6 Additional government fees apply.

Comment résoudre les problèmes avec ownr.co

Les erreurs sur le site Web ownr.co peuvent être soit du côté serveur, soit de votre côté (côté client). S'il n'y a pratiquement rien à faire concernant les erreurs côté serveur (il ne reste plus qu'à attendre pour que le site fonctionne à nouveau), alors avec des erreurs côté client, il est possible de résoudre le problème de disponibilité de ownr.co par vous-même.