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Titre de la page principale:
Valley Medical Laboratories | Home
Description de la page principale:
Physician owned and operated community laboratory that is proud to have been serving the residents and physicians of B.C.’s Okanagan Valley since 1969.
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En-têtes SEO

h1 Valley Medical Laboratories is Now Operated by
h2 NEW Dynacare Winfield/Lake Country Collection Centre
h3 Valley Medical Laboratories 9966 Pollard Rd. moving to #122 - 3121 Hill Rd opening Monday, August 26th regular hours until end of day Thursday, August 22nd and closed Friday, August 23rd Click to view Partner Update
h2 Partner Update - Change to Routine Chemistry and Immunoassay Testing Platform (British Columbia).
h3 The Dynacare vision is to be Canada’s health and wellness solutions leader. Effective July 29th, 2024, Dynacare will be introducing new instrumentation for routine chemistry and immunoassay testing. As part of this implementation, several reference interval changes will also be introduced. Click this banner for details.
h2 Centralization of CBC testing in the Okanagan
h3 Effective July 8th, 2024, all CBC samples collected in South Okanagan will be directed to and processed at our Kelowna Laboratory. It is anticipated that this change will have minimal to no impact on current turn- around-time and reporting. In situations of inclement weather or if a STAT CBC result is required, healthcare providers in South Okanagan are advised to direct patients to the nearest hospital laboratory. Click this text for Partner Update.
h2 Discontinuation of Post-vasectomy testing: Penticton - Ellis St. Laboratory and Health Services Centre
h3 Beginning July 8th, post-vasectomy testing will no longer be available at our Penticton - Ellis St. Laboratory and Health Services Centre. Going forward, post-vasectomy samples will only be received at the Dynacare Kelowna - Leon Ave. Click to see the full Partner Update.
h2 NEW Dynacare Vernon Collection Centre
h3 NEW Vernon Laboratory and Health Services Centre location 102-5240 Anderson Way opening Monday, April 8th. Click to read more
h2 Testing Update: Implementation of Infectious Diarrhea Panel and FecalSwab Collection Devices for Detection of Enteric Pathogens
h3 Effective by end December, 2023, stool culture (i.e., routine stool C&S) will be replaced by the Infectious Diarrhea Panel (IDP) test, which is a molecular test capable of simultaneously detecting the majority of bacterial, viral, and parasitic causes of infectious diarrhea from a single sample. Click for more information.
h2 Valley Medical Laboratories has expanded our services to include Keremeos
h3 We have a NEW Laboratory and Health Services Centre in Keremeos. This will be by appointment only. Click here to learn more about the location.
h2 Important Information for Healthcare Practitioners
h3 RE: Prenatal Group B Streptococcus (GBS) Screening Effective August 1st, 2023 antimicrobial susceptibility testing will no longer be routinely performed on Group B Streptococcus (GBS). Beta-hemolytic streptococci (e.g., Group A, B, C, G streptococci) are intrinsically susceptible to penicillin. Susceptibility testing will only be performed on Group B Streptococcus when it is indicated on the requisition that the patient is allergic to Penicillin.
h3 Valley Medical Laboratories enters acquisition agreement with Dynacare
h3 The agreement is effective May 1, 2023. Staff, Patients and Health Care Providers can expect business as usual. Please click for more information.
h2 Semen Analysis Updates at Valley Medical Laboratories
h3 As part of our commitment to quality, the staff at Valley Medical Laboratories (VML) enthusiastically announce the roll-out of our new automated semen analysis analyzer (SQA system from Medical Electronic Systems) effective January 16, 2023.
h2 Medical Laboratory Assistant Training Program
h3 This program is designed to be completed in conjunction with the Thompson Rivers University, Open Learning, MLA Certification. Click to learn more.
h2 Proudly serving Kelowna and the Okanagan Valley since 1969
h2 Visit Options
h2 Walk-Ins
h2 Net Check-in
h2 Book an appointment
h2 Mission Statement
h2 Vision Statement

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