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Informazioni tecniche
Titolo pagina principale: | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Martin Grandjean | Digital humanities, Data visualization, Network analysis | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Intestazioni SEO
h2 Digital History | Data Visualization | Network Analysis
h2 Funding the League of Nations: a map of the contributions of member states
h2 [Digital History] The Networks of Intellectual Cooperation (1919-1939)
h2 GEPHI – Introduction to Network Analysis and Visualization [new video]
h2 Élections fédérales 2023 : bis repetita ?
h2 Introduction to Social Network Analysis: Basics and Historical Specificities
h2 Data Visualization: Mapping the Character Network of the Four Gospels
h2 Network Analysis: Centrality and Periphery in Complex Historical Structures
h2 Data Visualisation | European Massive Exports of Banned Pesticides
h2 Mapping a Century of International Congresses
h2 Elections fédérales 2019 : continuité ou rupture ?
h2 Historical Network Analysis: Complex Structures and International Organizations
h2 Complex network visualisation for the history of interdisciplinarity: Mapping research funding in Switzerland
h2 [Visualization] More Americans have died from guns since 2001 than in Korean and Vietnam wars
h2 Connected World: Untangling the Air Traffic Network
h2 [Network analysis] Mapping the Digital Humanities Community on Twitter
h2 Mapping UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage
h2 L’archive et la massification des données (Bruno Bachimont)
h2 A Year of Digital Humanities: 54 Resources to Explore
h2 Abstraction, Patterns and Forms (Franco Moretti)
h2 En graphique : l’initiative UDC perd plus de 10 points par rapport à la précédente
h2 [Graphique] La nébuleuse des exportations d’armes suisses
h2 Network visualization: mapping Shakespeare’s tragedies
h2 Election au Conseil fédéral : quel intérêt pour les candidats sur le web ?
h2 Timeline : Petite histoire des partis politiques au Parlement suisse
h2 François Hollande : L’effort pour les humanités numériques doit être renforcé !
h2 [Data Visualization] More Americans killed by guns since 1968 than in all U.S. wars
h2 Introduction à la visualisation de données : l’analyse de réseau en histoire
Come risolvere i problemi con
Gli errori sul sito web possono essere lato server o lato tuo (lato client). Se non c'è praticamente nulla da fare per gli errori lato server (non resta che attendere affinché il sito funzioni di nuovo), quindi con errori sul lato client è possibile risolvere il problema con la disponibilità di da soli.