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Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana | Palazzo Grassi - Punta della Dogana - Collection Pinault | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Intestazioni SEO
h2 Julie Mehretu. Ensemble
h2 "Ensemble" with participants of Altri Sguardi
h2 "I have always worked with music and I think this show is really in a way like a score. It’s something that informed my aesthetics a lot, and my way of thinking." — Julie Mehretu
h2 “As artists we are in conversation either with our peers or our ancestors.” — Jessica Rankin
h2 “The notion of the individual artist has never meant anything for me.” — Robin Coste Lewis
h2 "To be transparent is the most fragile state of mind, and it needs to be supported, it needs to be embraced." — Nairy Baghramian
h2 Accessibility Guide and LIS presentation of the exhibitions "Julie Mehretu. Ensemble" and "Pierre Huyghe. Liminal".
h2 Podcast "Ensemble"
h2 "All of these non-articulated crossroads' intersections of our histories are ineffable and private." — Robin Coste Lewis
h2 Pierre Huyghe. Liminal
h2 "It is an escape from that one plan of reality by which we are somehow trapped or limited" Pierre Huyghe
h2 "The Imaginal" by Chiara Vecchiarelli
h2 Accessibility Guide and LIS presentation of the exhibitions "Julie Mehretu. Ensemble" and "Pierre Huyghe. Liminal".
h2 Workshops, visits, events
h2 Palazzo Grassi invites The International Festival of Films on Art 2024
h2 Golden Hour at Punta della Dogana
h2 Upcoming exhibitions
h2 Thomas Schütte
h2 Tatiana Trouvé
h2 Read, watch, listen
h2 Podcast "Ensemble"
h2 The Trilogy by Ryan Gander
h2 "Ensemble" with participants of Altri Sguardi
h2 "It is an escape from that one plan of reality by which we are somehow trapped or limited" Pierre Huyghe
h2 "I have always worked with music and I think this show is really in a way like a score. It’s something that informed my aesthetics a lot, and my way of thinking." — Julie Mehretu
h3 Follow us
h2 Search
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