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efc.be - storingsmeldingen in de afgelopen 24 uur
efc.be - fout- en storingsrapporten, methoden voor probleemoplossing
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Technische informatie
Hoofdpaginatitel: | ||||||||||||||||
Philea - Philanthropy Europe Association | ||||||||||||||||
Beschrijving hoofdpagina: | ||||||||||||||||
We are the voice of European philanthropy. Our purpose is to harness its immense multidimensional potential. | ||||||||||||||||
Protocol: | ||||||||||||||||
https | ||||||||||||||||
Statuscode: | ||||||||||||||||
200 | ||||||||||||||||
Paginagrootte: | ||||||||||||||||
46.6 KB | ||||||||||||||||
Reactietijd: | ||||||||||||||||
0.519sec. | ||||||||||||||||
IP: | |||||||||||||||| | ||||||||||||||||
Reactiekoppen: | ||||||||||||||||
h4 Philea and Impact Europe publish recommendations for national and EU policymakers to enable more impact investments and collaboration opportunities
h4 Feeling the Heat: How Foundations Can Use their Investments to Curb Climate Change
h4 Funders International Network for Development launches international cooperation peer-learning journey
h3 Cross-cutting Themes
h4 Climate
h4 Democracy
h4 Equality
h3 Is Orban outsmarting philanthropy?
h3 Philanthropic organisations and impact investors call on policymakers to enable more investments for impact
h3 Kaleidoskopje – a fresh perspective on building philanthropy infrastructure in North Macedonia
h3 A new approach to philanthropy – Creating a Wellbeing Economy
h3 Philanthropic actors sign statement on philanthropy’s role in global development ahead of UN Summit of the Future
h3 Message of support to the victims of the flooding in Central Europe
h3 Children and Youth Network – How to Involve Children and Youth in Your Work: How to Support Youth to Develop their Personal Leadership
h3 Organisational Development Community of Practice – Creating Space for Aligning Core Values with Organisational Practices
h5 Follow us
Problemen oplossen met efc.be
Fouten op de efc.be-website kunnen zowel aan de serverkant als aan uw kant (clientkant) voorkomen. Als er praktisch niets te doen is aan fouten aan de serverkant (het blijft alleen wachten om de site weer te laten werken), dan is het met fouten aan de clientzijde mogelijk om het probleem met de beschikbaarheid van efc.be zelf op te lossen.