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Technische informatie

Home - Jimmy Nelson
Beschrijving hoofdpagina:
Jimmy Nelson has traveled to the most hidden corners of the planet. In 2013, he published his inaugural photography volume, "Before They Pass Away," followed by "Homage to Humanity" in 2018. He has visited numerous different indigenous communities worldwide and has developed reciprocity projects in collaboration with some of them through the foundation that bears his name.
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h3 Turn your phone into a compass. Do you want to use your device orientation to navigate?
h3 Drag to navigate through the experience.
h3 Rotate your phone and drag forward to navigate
h1 The Miao People
h1 The Miao People
h1 The Mundari People
h1 The Mundari People
h1 The Nagula Community
h1 The Nagula Community
h1 The Maasai People
h1 The Maasai People
h1 The Marquesans People
h1 The Marquesans People
h1 The Chichimeca People
h1 The Chichimeca People
h1 The Q'ero People
h1 The Q'ero People
h1 The Maori People
h1 The Maori People
h1 The Lopa People
h1 The Lopa People
h1 The Karo People
h1 The Karo People
h1 The Kaluli People
h1 The Kaluli People
h1 The Rabari People
h1 The Rabari People
h1 The Huli People
h1 The Huli People
h1 The Himba People
h1 The Himba People
h1 The Gauchos
h1 The Gauchos
h1 The Dolgan People
h1 The Dolgan People
h1 The Bardi People
h1 The Bardi People
h1 The Kazakh People
h1 The Kazakh People
h1 The Wodaabe People
h1 The Wodaabe People
h1 The people of the Hindeloopen
h1 The people of the Hindeloopen
h1 The people of the Axel
h1 The people of the Axel
h1 The people of the Marken
h1 The people of the Marken
h1 The people of Noordwest-Veluwe
h1 The people of Noordwest-Veluwe
h1 The people of the Volendam
h1 The people of the Volendam
h1 Carrières des Lumières
h1 Books

Problemen oplossen met jimmynelson.com

Fouten op de jimmynelson.com-website kunnen zowel aan de serverkant als aan uw kant (clientkant) voorkomen. Als er praktisch niets te doen is aan fouten aan de serverkant (het blijft alleen wachten om de site weer te laten werken), dan is het met fouten aan de clientzijde mogelijk om het probleem met de beschikbaarheid van jimmynelson.com zelf op te lossen.